Bitterballen- Dutch Meat-based Snack, Typically Containing a Mixture of Minced Beef or Veal

Culinary traditions of the netherlands

Dutch cuisine (Dutch: Nederlandse keuken) is formed from the cooking traditions and practices of kingdom of the netherlands. The country'southward cuisine is shaped by its location in the fertile North Sea river delta of the European Plain, giving rise to fishing, farming (for crops and domesticated animals), and trading over sea, its former colonial empire and the spice merchandise.

Breakfast and dejeuner are typically staff of life with toppings similar cheese, while dinner is meat and potatoes, supplemented with seasonal vegetables. The diet contains many dairy products and was relatively loftier in carbohydrates and fatty, reflecting the dietary needs of the laborers whose civilisation molded the state. Without many refinements, it is best described as rustic, though many holidays are celebrated with special foods.

During the 20th century, Dutch cuisine and diet inverse. Influenced by the eating culture of its colonies (peculiarly the Dutch Eastward Indies), information technology became more than cosmopolitan and near international cuisines are represented in the major cities.

History [edit]

12th–13th centuries [edit]

Little evidence is available about nutrient and drink in the tardily medieval Depression Countries. In the consumption of pottage, the Low Countries were not very different from other Western European countries during the Middle Ages. Half-liquid pottage consisted of milk, beer, water, root vegetable and peas or grain, sometimes enriched with a piece of meat. The content inverse throughout the seasons.[1]

Beer flavoured with gruit was produced until the 14th century at the monasteries. Gruit was replaced with hop, a tradition introduced from the German city of Bremen, and this started off a beer culture and the Depression Counties equally a major exporter of beer. Beer was in medieval times the common beverage as water was of poor quality, and milk—coming from the depression-lying grasslands of Holland and Friesland—was mainly used for the production of butter and cheese. Dutch butter and cheese became famous products at an early stage and continued to exist so for centuries.[1]

14th–15th centuries [edit]

The sea and the rivers provided an affluence of fish. The process of gibbing was invented past Willem Beukelszoon,[ii] a 14th-century Zealand fisherman. The invention created an export industry for common salt herring (Dutch: maatjesharing) that was monopolized by the Dutch. They began to build ships and eventually moved from trading in herring to colonizing and the Dutch Lowlands (the Netherlands as a country did not exist until 1581), ultimately leading to the Dutch becoming a seafaring power.[3]

Herring is still very important to the Dutch who celebrate Vlaggetjesdag (Flag Day) each spring, as a tradition that dates dorsum to the 14th century when fishermen went out to sea in their small boats to capture the annual catch (Hollandse Nieuwe), and to preserve and consign their grab abroad.[ citation needed ]

Gardening was initially practiced past monasteries, only castles and country houses began also to develop gardens with herbs and vegetables and hunting grounds. The famous tourist attraction and flower park Keukenhof (literally kitchen garden) is an case of a former 15th-century hunting ground and herbs garden for Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut's castle kitchen. Orchards for pears and apples connected to castles were later used for export and gear up off a Dutch horticulture tradition that remains to this day.[1]

During the 15th century haute cuisine began to sally, largely express to the aristocracy. Cookery books from this menstruation are aimed at the upper class. The first Dutch-linguistic communication melt book printed in Brussels is called Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen (A notable book of cookery) from ca. 1510.[4] It offers medieval recipes for festivities, such as sauces, game, jellies, fish, meat, pies, eggs, dairy products, candy-coated quinces and ginger and contains one of the oldest known recipes for appeltaerten, apple pie. The recipes come from diverse sources, 61 of them are translations of the French recipe volume Le Viandier.[5]

Historically, Dutch cuisine was closely related to northern French cuisine, since the 2 countries have nearby borders and the Low Countries and Northern France have been historically ruled by the Dukes of Burgundy. This is nonetheless visible in traditional Dutch restaurants and the Southern regional cuisine, that is yet colloquially referred to as Bourgondisch.[ane]

16th–17th centuries [edit]

As the Dutch Republic entered its Golden Age in the 17th century, dishes of this kind became available to the wealthy eye grade equally well, oft consisting of a rich variety of fruits, cheeses, meat, wine, and basics.[six] [7] The Dutch Empire enabled spices, sugar, and exotic fruits to be imported to the country.

The Dutch East India Company was the first to import coffee on a large scale to Europe.[viii] The Dutch later grew the crop in Java and Ceylon.[9] The start exports of Indonesian coffee from Java to the Netherlands occurred in 1711.[ten] By the late 17th century, tea and coffee consumption were increasing and becoming part of everyday life. Tea was served with sweets, candy or marzipan and cookies. The availability of relatively cheaper spices resulted in a tradition of spiced cookies called speculaas, the exact recipes of which were kept underground past bakers.[eleven]

Vegetables, meat, poultry and salted, smoked or fresh fish and eggs were prepared in the Dutch kitchens of the time.[12] The repast started with green salads and cold or warm cooked vegetables with dressing, vegetable dishes with butter, herbs or edible flowers and continued with numerous fish and meat dishes.

Exotic ingredients such as dates, rice, cinnamon, ginger and saffron were used. Savoury tarts and pastries followed. The meal ended with jellies, cheese, basics and sweet pastries, washed down with sweet spiced vino.[13] Of course, even in the Golden Age, non everyone could afford such luxuries and the everyday meal of the ordinary Dutchman was notwithstanding a humble affair of grain or legume pottage served with rye.[xiv]

18th–19th centuries [edit]

Van Gogh, Adult female lifting Potatoes

In the late 18th century the white potato gained popularity, to become a staple food by 1800.[xv] In the early 19th century, while the rich could eat what they desired, the working population ate bread (rye bread in some areas) and potatoes, pancakes in some areas, occasionally fish and other seafood, fruit and vegetables, but normally lilliputian meat: "the diet of the Dutch in the nineteenth century consisted of some bread, and a corking deal of potatoes". Their diet was frugal, composed of such simple dishes as staff of life and herring. Throughout the 19th century many people suffered from some form of malnutrition.[15]

Potatoes, in fact, were often eaten at every meal, every twenty-four hour period of the calendar week. They were peeled and boiled for the main meal, lunch, so warmed and mashed for dinner, with leftovers saved for breakfast. They were served with table salt, sometimes vinegar, but without gravy or whatever other fatty, making for a diet with "incredible monotony".[15]

During the 19th century, the poor people drank little else but h2o (of poor quality), sometimes watery coffee (or chicory) or tea. In some areas hot chocolate was consumed, but the nearly popular drinks (abreast water) were beer and jenever. For virtually of the century beer was drunk in the southern part, where Catholicism dominated, and in Catholic enclaves in the other areas. Jenever consumption early in the 19th century was twice that of the equivalent consumption of distilled spirits in neighbouring countries.[15]

20th–21st centuries [edit]

The small and manifestly look of what is present considered the traditional Dutch cuisine, appears to exist the result of a fairly recent development. In the twentieth century, the new availability of mass education meant that a great number of girls could be sent to a new school blazon, the Huishoudschool (housekeeping school), where young women were trained to get housewives and where lessons in cooking cheap and simple meals were a major part of the curriculum, often based on more traditional Dutch dishes, and leading to increased uniformity in the Dutch diet. Values taught in that school arrangement included frugality, proper table manners, and good for you eating.

Regional cuisines [edit]

Modern culinary writers distinguish between iii general regional forms of Dutch cuisine.[16]

Northeastern cuisine [edit]

The regions in the due north and east of the Netherlands, roughly the provinces of Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe, Overijssel and Gelderland northward of the neat rivers brand up north eastern Dutch cuisine.

The region is the least populated area of the Netherlands. The belatedly (18th century) introduction of large calibration agriculture ways that the cuisine is generally known for its many kinds of meats. The relative lack of farms immune for an abundance of game and husbandry, though dishes nigh the coastal regions of Friesland, Groningen and the parts of Overijssel bordering the IJsselmeer as well include a large amount of fish.

The various stale sausages, belonging to the metworst-family unit of Dutch sausages, are found throughout the region and are highly prized for their frequently very strong taste. Near towns and various villages take their own diverseness of this sausage. The region also produces the traditional smoked sausages, of which (Gelderse) rookworst is the most renowned. These sausages traditionally have been smoked over woods chips, and are served after they accept been boiled in water. The sausage contains a lot of fat and is very juicy. Larger sausages are often eaten alongside stamppot, hutspot or zuurkool (sauerkraut); whereas smaller ones are often eaten as a street nutrient. In Gelderland and Overijssel kruudmoes [nl] was a traditional food.

The provinces are besides home to rye bread (a kind of Pumpernickel) and many kinds of pastries and cookies. In contrast to southern Dutch cuisine, which tends to be soft and moist, the northeastern rye bread and pastries generally are of a difficult texture, and the pasties are heavily spiced with ginger or succade or incorporate small bits of meat. Various kinds of Kruidkoek (such as Groninger koek [nl] ), Fryske dĂşmkes [nl] and spekdik [nl] (minor savory pancakes cooked in a waffle iron) are considered typical.

Each of the provinces of Gelderland, Overijssel and Groningen has a long-standing rye bread tradition, but rye staff of life from Friesland became well known because of its sense of taste. Notable characteristics of Roggebrood [nl] (Frisian rye bread) is its long baking time (up to twenty hours), resulting in a sweetness taste and a deep dark color.

In terms of alcoholic beverages, the region is renowned for its many bitters (such equally Beerenburg) and other high-proof liquors rather than beer, which is, autonomously from Jenever, typical for the rest of the country.

As a coastal region, Friesland is home to depression-lying grasslands, and thus has a cheese product in common with the Western cuisine. Friese Nagelkaas (Friesian Clove) is a notable example.

Western cuisine [edit]

The provinces of North Holland, South The netherlands, Zeeland, Utrecht and the Gelderlandic region of Betuwe are the parts of the Netherlands which brand up the region in which western Dutch cuisine is plant.

Due to the affluence of surface water and grassland, necessary to sustain dairy cattle, the area is known for its many dairy products, which includes prominent cheeses such as Gouda, Leyden (spiced cheese with cumin), Edam (traditionally in modest spheres) likewise every bit Leerdammer, and Beemster. Zeeland and South Kingdom of the netherlands produce a lot of butter, which contains a larger amount of milkfat than most other European butter varieties. A by-product of the butter-making process, karnemelk [nl] (buttermilk), is also considered typical for this region.

Seafood such as soused herring, mussels (called Zeeuwse Mosselen, since all Dutch mussels for consumption are cleaned in Zeeland's Oosterschelde), eels, oysters and shrimps are widely available and typical for the region. Kibbeling, once a local delicacy consisting of modest chunks of battered white fish, has go a national fast food, but as Lekkerbekje [nl] .

Pastries in this surface area tend to exist quite doughy, and frequently contain big amounts of sugar; either caramelized, powdered or crystallized. The oliebol (in its modern form) and Zeeuwse bolus are expert examples. Cookies are also produced in great number and tend to contain a lot of butter and saccharide, like stroopwafel, every bit well every bit a filling of some kind, more often than not almond, similar Gevulde koek [nl] .

Zaanstreek in North Kingdom of the netherlands is known for its chocolate industry, due to the evolution of the Dutch process chocolate in 1828 by Coenraad van Houten, that introduced the modern era of chocolate and was instrumental in the transformation of chocolate to its solid class which was up till then drunk as a liquid. Zaanstreek is since the 16th century likewise known for its mayonnaise (for the Dutch a pop condiment to swallow with French chips), and typical whole-grain mustards (popular to eat with bitterballen).

The traditional alcoholic beverages of this region are beer (strong pale lager) and Jenever, a high proof juniper-flavored spirit, that came to be known in England as gin. A noted exception within the traditional Dutch alcoholic landscape, Advocaat, a rich and flossy liqueur made from eggs, sugar and brandy, is besides native to this region.

Southern cuisine [edit]

Southern Dutch cuisine constitutes the cuisine of the Dutch provinces of N Brabant and Limburg and the Flemish Region in Belgium. It is renowned for its many rich pastries, soups, stews and vegetable dishes and is often called Burgundian which is a Dutch idiom invoking the rich Burgundian court which ruled the Depression Countries in the Middle Ages renowned for its splendor and great feasts.

Information technology is the only Dutch culinary region which developed an haute cuisine and information technology forms the base of most traditional Dutch restaurants including typical primary courses served such every bit Biefstuk, Varkenshaas, Ossenhaas, these are premium cuts of meat, generally pork or beef, accompanied past a wide variety of sauces and potatoes which have been double fried in the traditional Dutch (or Belgian) manner.

Stews, such as hachee, a stew of onions, beef and a thick gravy, contain a lot of flavor and require hours to prepare. Vegetable soups are made from richly flavored stock or bouillon and typically contain small meatballs alongside a wide variety of different vegetables. Asparagus and witloof are highly prized and traditionally eaten with cheese or ham.

Pastries are abundant, frequently with rich fillings of cream, custard or fruits. Cakes, such as the Vlaai from Limburg and the Moorkop and Bossche Bol from Brabant, are typical pastries. Savoury pastries also occur, with the Brabantian worstenbroodje (a curl with a sausage of basis beef, literally translates into sausage bread) being the most popular.

The traditional alcoholic beverage of the region is beer. There are many local brands, ranging from Trappist beer to Kriek lambic. 5 of the 11 International Trappist Association-recognised breweries in the world, are located in the Southern Dutch cultural surface area. Beer, like wine in French cuisine, is as well used in cooking; oft in stews.

Foods origin [edit]

Native [edit]

Dutch agriculture roughly consists of five sectors: cultivation-based, greenhouse-based, fruit agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery.

  • Tillage-based crops include potatoes, kale, beetroot, green beans, carrots, celeriac, onions, all the common kinds of cabbages, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, endive, spinach, Belgian endive, asparagus and lettuce. Recently some initiatives have been started to encourage interest in such "forgotten" vegetables as common purslane, medlars, parsnips, and black salsify.
  • Greenhouses are used to produce tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and sweetness peppers.
  • Fruits include apples, pears, cherries, berries, and plums.
  • The Dutch keep cattle for milk, butter, cheese, and for their meat, chickens for their eggs and for meat, pigs for their meat and a variety of non-edible products, and sheep for their wool and meat. Goats are increasingly kept for a cheese production. Traditionally horse meat was a common dish (steak, sausage, and thinly-sliced smoked meat), but it is less popular today.
  • The fishery sector lands cod, herring, European plaice, sole, mackerel, eels, tuna, salmon, trout, oysters, mussels, shrimp, and sardines. The Dutch are famous for their smoked eel and soused herring, which is eaten raw.

Colonial influences [edit]

Indonesian and Indo dishes became popular due to the arrival of former Dutch colonials and people of Eurasian descent into the Netherlands, particularly afterward the independence of Indonesia from Dutch colonial rule in 1945. C. Countess van Limburg Stirum writes in her book The Art of Dutch Cooking (1962): "There exist countless Indonesian dishes, some of which accept hours to prepare; but a few easy ones have go so popular that they can be regarded as 'national dishes'". She then provides recipes for nasi goreng (fried rice), pisang goreng (fried bananas), lumpia goreng (fried spring rolls), bami (fried noodles), satay (grilled skewered meat), satay sauce (peanut sauce), and sambal oelek (chilli paste).[17] Of the Dutch-Indonesian fusion dishes the best known is the rijsttafel ("rice table"), which is an elaborate meal consisting of many (up to several dozens) small dishes (hence filling "an entire tabular array"). While pop in the netherlands, rijsttafel is now rare in Indonesia itself, while near every town in kingdom of the netherlands has an Indonesian-Chinese eating house. A popular fusion dish is friet satĂ© [nl] , patatje oorlog [nl] or patatje pinda, French fries with satay sauce as condiment, served at snack bars.[18]

Surinamese cuisine is also popular in the Netherlands, peculiarly in the bigger cities. Surinamese establishments commonly offering roti, a staple of the Hindustani community in Suriname, various Surinamese interpretations of Chinese Indonesian cuisine, as well as Surinamese sandwiches (Surinaamse broodjes).

International influences [edit]

Italian and American style pizzerias have become widespread. In recent decades, Arab and Turkish dishes have become increasingly pop as well, especially as a snack food. In larger towns and cities, small restaurants selling kebabs, shawarma, and falafel tin can be found on virtually whatsoever street corner. Nowadays, nutrient from every nook or corner of the globe tin exist institute throughout the state, particularly in bigger towns and cities, including Greek, Thai, Japanese, and African cuisines.

Structure of meals [edit]

Breakfast and lunch [edit]

Uitsmijter spek en kaas: a couple of eggs fried with bacon and cheese

Breakfast and lunch are similar in Dutch cuisine and both consist of bread with a wide variety of cold cuts, cheeses and sweet toppings; such as hagelslag, vlokken, muisjes, gestampte muisjes [nl] , chocolate spread, treacle (a thick, nighttime brown carbohydrate syrup called stroop), apple butter and peanut butter.

The Dutch are famous for their dairy products and especially for their cheeses. The vast majority of Dutch cheeses are semi-hard or hard cheeses. Famous Dutch cheeses include Gouda, Edam, and Leyden. A typically Dutch manner of making cheese is to blend in herbs or spices during the first stages of the production process. Famous examples of this are cheeses with cloves (normally the Friesian Clove), cumin (most famously Leyden cheese), or nettles.

Dutch breadstuff tends to be very blusterous, as it is made from yeast dough. From the 1970s onward Dutch bread became predominantly whole grain, with additional seeds such every bit sunflower or pumpkin seeds often mixed with the dough for taste. Rye bread is one of the few dense breads of kingdom of the netherlands. White bread used to exist the luxury bread, oftentimes made with milk as well as h2o. A Frisian luxury version of white bread is suikerbrood, white bread with large lumps of sugar mixed with the dough. Kerststol is a traditional Dutch Christmas bread made of staff of life dough with saccharide, stale fruits, raisins, almond paste; and currants, and lemon and orange zest, eaten sliced, spread with butter.

Ontbijtkoek may be eaten as a substitute for a full breakfast, or but equally a snack. It is served as a pocket-sized slice, usually with butter.

Tea time [edit]

Dutch people invite friends over for koffietijd (coffee time), which consists of java and cake or a biscuit, served between 10:00 and 11:00 am (before lunch), 4:00 pm (between lunch and dinner) or between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm (after dinner). The Dutch drink java and tea throughout the day, oft served with a single or double biscuit.

Dutch thrift led to the famous standard rule of only one cookie with each cup of java. It has been suggested that the reasons for this can be constitute in the Protestant mentality and upbringing in the northern Netherlands. The traditionally Roman Catholic south does not share this tradition as for instance in Limburg, where serving a big vlaai (sweet pie or pastry with filling), cut into eight pieces, is tradition when visitors are expected.

A popular Dutch story (never confirmed) says that in the late 1940s the wife of the so Prime Government minister, Willem Drees, served coffee and i biscuit to a visiting American diplomat, who and so became convinced that the money from the Marshall Plan was being well spent.

Café au lait is also very mutual. Information technology is called koffie verkeerd (literally "wrong coffee") and consists of equal parts blackness coffee and hot milk. The Dutch drink tea without milk and the tea is quite a lot weaker than typical English or Irish types of tea which are stronger and are usually taken with milk. Other hot drinks used to include warm lemonade, called kwast (hot water with lemon juice), and anijsmelk [19] (hot milk with aniseed). In the autumn and winter the very popular hot chocolate or chocolate milk is drunk. Both anijsmelk and kwast are inappreciably drunkard any more, having lost popularity.

Borreltijd [edit]

Between 5:00 pm and nine:00 pm it is time for an alcoholic beverage (borrel), beer or wine, and a savory snack. This is when the famous bitterballen are served, a mini variant of the kroket (croquette), deep-fried ragout filled balls with a crunchy layer of very fine bread-crumbs. Bitterballen are served with mustard.

Borreltijd mostly occurs on the weekends. As well borrelnootje (peanuts in a spiced crusty coating) and kaasstengels (crusty cheese sticks) are typical borrel snacks.

Dinner [edit]

Dutch pea soup, also called snert [nl]

Dinner, traditionally served early on by international standards, starts around or fifty-fifty before half-dozen o'clock in the evening. The old-fashioned Dutch dinner consists of i simple course: potatoes, meat and vegetables—known under the acronym "AVG" (aardappelen, vlees, groente). AVG consists traditionally of potatoes with a big portion of vegetables and a small portion of meat with gravy, or a potato and vegetable stew. Vegetable stews served as side dishes are for example rodekool met appeltjes (red cabbage with apples), or rode bieten (beetroot). Regular spices used in stews of this kind may be bay leaves, juniper berries, cloves, and vinegar, although potent spices are generally used sparingly. Stews are frequently served with pickles, including augurken (gherkins) or cocktail onions (zilveruitjes). Due to the influx of other countries, traditional meals have lost some popularity. Stamppot, mashed potatoes with different options for vegetables, is traditionally eaten in wintertime. If there is a starter, it is usually soup.

The below listed meals have historic origins as meals for common laborers. From the 17th to the 19th century workers worked 10 to 16 hours on farms or in factories in unheated rooms, hence these meals are very heavy on calories and fat and were meant to furnish a laborer'south free energy.

  • Stamppot, boiled potatoes mashed with vegetables and served with meat and/or gravy, coming in a number of varieties:
    • Hutspot, made with potatoes, carrots, and onions served with meats like rookworst (smoked sausage), deadening-cooked meat, or bacon. Earlier potatoes were introduced in Europe hutspot was made from parsnips, carrots, and onions.
    • Stamppot andijvie, raw endive mashed with hot potatoes, served with diced fried spek (a kind of bacon).
    • Hete bliksem ("hot lightning"), boiled potatoes and green apples, served with stroop (treacle) or tossed with diced speck.
    • Stamppot zuurkool, sauerkraut mashed with potatoes. Served with fried salary or a sausage. Sometimes curry pulverisation, raisins or slices of pineapple or banana are used to give a stamppot an exotic touch.
    • Stamppot boerenkool, curly kale mixed with potatoes, served with gravy, mustard, and rookworst sausage. It is one of the oldest and most popular Dutch dishes. Boerenkool was mentioned in cookbooks from the year 1661. Mashed potatoes were non used in this dish at that time, although the sausage was already served with the cabbage in this dish. The dish became popular after a few bad corn seasons, when potatoes became pop as food. Stamppot boerenkool is high in carbohydrates, which makes it a pop meal for cold winter days.
  • Snert, also called erwtensoep, is a very thick pea soup that can exist served either equally a main dish or equally an titbit and is traditionally eaten during the winter. Snert has a very thick consistency and often includes pieces of pork and rookworst and is nigh a stew rather than a soup. Due to the thick consistency of Dutch pea soup, it is oftentimes said that "...y'all should exist able to stand a spoon upright in a good pea soup".[20] It is customarily served with roggebrood (rye breadstuff) spread with butter and topped with katenspek [nl] , a diverseness of bacon which is offset cooked and then smoked. The meat from the soup may also exist put on the rye bread and eaten with mustard.

Meat dishes:

Slavink (at acme) with potatoes and sweet pepper sauce

  • Gehaktballen (meatballs, ordinarily half pork, half beef).
  • Slavink, minced meat wrapped in bacon.
  • Balkenbrij, a blazon of liverwurst and meatloaf. The butter based gravy (boterjus), in which the meat has been fried or cooked, is also served. A variant of this, eaten around the IJsselmeer, is butter en eek, where vinegar is added to the gravy.

Flour dishes:

  • Pannekoeken (large and thin pancakes) with bacon, apples, cheese, or raisins.
  • Poffertjes (miniature pancakes) and spekdik (a Northern variant with bacon).
  • Wentelteefjes [nl] (similar to French toast).
  • Broeder, a blazon of boiled pudding ordinarily containing buckwheat, is a traditional dinner mainly in Westward Friesland.


  • Mosselen [nl] (mussels) are quite popular and commonly served with french fries.
  • Kibbeling, chunks of sea fish that are battered and fried.

Dessert [edit]

chocolate and vanilla vla

The terminal course is a sweet dessert, traditionally yogurt with some carbohydrate or vla, thin milk pudding (cooked milk with custard). Other desserts include:

  • Vla (vanilla custard) is often mixed with yogurt (and sometimes yoghurt and syrup, making the Dutch vla-flip).
  • Broodpap [nl] , a bread porridge fabricated from erstwhile bread, milk, butter, and sugar.
  • Griesmeelpudding [nl] , a sweet pudding made of semolina and served with red berry coulis.
  • Grutten [nl]
  • Haagse bluf [nl]
  • Hangop [nl]
  • Karnemelkse bloempap [nl]
  • Karnemelkse gortepap [nl]
  • Rijstebrij [nl] (rice pudding)
  • Krentjebrij (also called watergruwel)

Special occasions [edit]

Special occasions call for special foods. The birth of a kid is an occasion for serving beschuit met muisjes (Dutch rusk covered with sugared aniseed).

The Dutch festival of Sinterklaas is held on 5 December. Saint Nicholas leaves gifts in the children'south shoes. On this occasion, the Dutch drinkable hot chocolate milk and eat spice cookies, like speculaas. Special treats distributed past Saint Nicholas' adjutant Zwarte Piet include pepernoten (irregular shaped small cookies fabricated of rye, dearest and anise, oft confused with kruidnoten); kruidnoten (gingernut-similar biscuits merely made with speculaas spices: a mix of cinnamon, pepper, cloves, and nutmeg); boterletter [nl] or banket (a baked pastry crust filled with a sugared almond paste filling and shaped into a letter); chocolate letters; marzipan (oftentimes in the shape of animals or other topical items), borstplaat [nl] (discs of fondant); and taaitaai [nl] .

Christmas in the Netherlands is a typical family holiday. Traditionally there is family brunch with kerststol (fruited raisin bread; often filled with almond paste). Christmas dinner is as well a family unit occasion where rollade [nl] (a kind of roulade consisting of spiced pork), roast pork, game, or other luxury meat may exist served. Another popular Christmas dinner tradition is gourmetten, where people cook their ain food on a special gourmetset on the table, although this isn't express to Christmas.

Oliebollen, a Dutch fried pastry, eaten on New Yr'due south Eve

On New Year's Eve, Dutch houses smell of the piping hot oil of deep-fatty fryers used to prepare oliebollen and appelbeignets [nl] (a kind of apple tree fritter) – non to be mistaken for the appelflap [nl] which is completely different. Too ananasbeignets (pineapple fritter) are considered a treat. Oliebollen are yeast dough assurance, either plain or filled with glacĂ© fruits, apple pieces, raisins, and sultanas are served with powdered sugar and are a special treat for New Year'south Eve.

In the 17th century, Dutch settlers likewise took their oliebollen to the American colonies, where they are at present known in a slightly different form as doughnuts. In Limburg, nonnevotten are sometimes served during New year'southward Eve, although it is mostly eaten during Carnival. Around New Years kniepertjes [nl] are popular, in particular in the northern provinces.

A chocolate letter of the first letter of the kid'due south name is a typical present given to children during the Sinterklaas feast; it is supposedly thrown down the chimney by a Piet or by Sinterklaas himself

On birthdays all kinds of cakes and cookies are eaten, including appeltaart, bokkenpootjes [nl] , bossche bol, dikke koek [nl] , Fryske dĂşmkes [nl] , gevulde koek [nl] (cookies filled with almond repast), Groninger koek [nl] , janhagel, january in de zak [nl] , ketelkoek [nl] , krakeling [nl] , krentenwegge [nl] , kruidkoek [nl] , Limburgse vlaai [nl] , oudewijvenkoek [nl] , peperkoek (gingerbread), rijstekoekje [nl] , spekkoek (originally from Indonesia), spritskoek [nl] , tompouce, trommelkoek [nl] , bitterkoekjes [nl] , kletskopje [nl] , and stroopwafel. Poffertjes are tiny puffed pancakes served on special occasions, served warm with melting butter and powdered sugar on top. They are mostly combined with a drink: patently milk, chocolate milk, or a yogurt drink. Cafeterias all around the Netherlands sell poffertjes. Dutch people telephone call such a eating house a poffertjeskraam [nl] . Poffertjes tin can be eaten every bit a dessert after dinner or every bit a sugariness lunch.

Sweets [edit]

Griotten, a type of soft sweet Dutch liquorice

A famous Dutch sweet is zoute drib and other liquorice sweets. These sweets are small, black and await much like gums. Similar to Pontefract cakes institute in Yorkshire, England. The four types of drop are soft sweet, soft salt, difficult sweet, and difficult salty drop. Liquorice can be bought in shops and pharmacies. It likewise has a medical function every bit it is supposed to soften the symptoms pharynx and tum aches. Dutch drop is sold in a big variety of shapes and forms. When they are flavored with kokosnoot fondant they are called Engelse drib [nl] (lit. "English liquorice"; liquorice allsorts). Other varieties are fabricated with honey (honingdrop [nl] ), salmiac common salt (muntdrop [nl] ), salmiac salt (salmiakdrop), or bay laurel (laurierdrop [nl] ).

Typical shapes are diamonds, ovals, oblongs, and coins (known as munten in Dutch, leading to the proper noun "muntdrop"). A honeycomb shape for honey honingdrop [nl] is likewise popular. Some manufacturers have introduced speciality ranges where the drib is made in thematic shapes, such as cars (autodrop [nl] ), farm animals, and farm machinery (boerderijdrop [nl] ), and so on.

Another popular Dutch sweet is the stroopwafel ("stroop" meaning syrup). A thin waffle cookie, fabricated typically in a pizelle pan, is sliced horizontally and used for sandwiching a layer of syrup, the stroop. Occasionally, crushed hazelnuts volition exist mixed with the stroop, and the dough may be spiced with cinnamon.

Ane of the Dutch confectionery specialties is vlaai. Information technology is a sweet pie fabricated with a yeast dough and filled with fruit (such as apple, apricot, pineapple, plum, or berry filling). Other ingredients may include custard and rhubarb. Rice vlaai, blimp with a rich rice-and-cream filling, and pudding vlaai sprinkled with crumbs are also pop. They can exist additionally grafted with fruits, whipped cream or chocolate.

Banket is a type of pastry or cookie that is traditionally eaten on Saint Nicholas Day (six December, though the actual celebration is on Saint Nicholas Eve, the 5th) and on Christmas Eve in Holland.

Alcoholic drinks [edit]

Wine plays but a modest role in Dutch cuisine, but in that location are many brands of beer and strong alcoholic liquor. The most famous Dutch beer producers are Heineken in the due west, Grolsch in the due east, Alfa and Bavaria in the southward. Traditionally, North Brabant and Limburg had a strong beer tradition, brewing many dissimilar types of beer (non unlike beer in Kingdom of belgium).

Dutch cities in the west had a long brewing tradition as well, only in the 20th century, big brewers took over many smaller breweries or offered them a license to sell their beer brand, while stopping their ain production.

In the 21st century, many new microbreweries were founded, brewing superlative fermenting beers in many unlike styles. In September 2013, there were 184 agile breweries in kingdom of the netherlands. Pop styles include bock, trappist ale, stout, and wheat beer.

Of the range of bitters, Beerenburg is the most famous. Strong liquors include Jenever (distilled malt wine and the precursor to Gin), Brandewijn [nl] (brandy) and Vieux, which is an imitation Cognac, only also Kandeel (made from white wine), Kraamanijs [nl] (a liquor made from aniseed), Oranjebitter [nl] (an orange-flavored brandy, which is traditionally served on festivities surrounding the royal family), Advocaat, Boerenjongens (raisins in brandy), and Boerenmeisjes [nl] (apricots in brandy).

Fast nutrient [edit]

Hollandse nieuwe, "new" raw herring

Gerookte paling, smoked eel

The Dutch have their ain types of fast food, sold at a snack bar. A Dutch fast food repast often consists of French chips (called patat or friet) with sauce and meat. The almost mutual sauce to back-trail French fries is fritessaus (a depression-fatty mayonnaise substitute), or ketchup (often the currysaus variety), hot peanut sauce, and a pickle relish of chopped vegetables and spices, such as piccalilli or joppiesaus.

Sometimes the chips are served with a combination of sauces, such as speciaal (lit. "special"), which consists of mayonnaise with spiced ketchup, chopped raw onions, and oorlog [nl] (lit. "war"), which consists of chips covered in hot peanut sauce, mayonnaise, and chopped raw onions.

A recently introduced Dutch-Turkish variety from Rotterdam is the kapsalon (lit. "barbershop"), consisting of fries, topped with either shawarma, kebab, or döner kebab and finished with salad, cheese, and various sauces such every bit sambal and garlic sauce.

Snacks fabricated with meat are usually deep fried. This includes the frikandel (a skinless minced meat sausage) and the kroket (a meat ragout scroll covered in breadcrumbs). They are available in bread rolls, peculiarly Broodje kroket for carry out. A smaller, round version of the croquette is the bitterballen with mustard, ofttimes served equally a snack in confined only also at official receptions.

Regional snacks include the eierbal [nl] (a combination of egg and ragout) in the northward and east of the land, and Brabants worstenbroodje [nl] or saucijzenbroodje [nl] , slightly spiced sausage meat broiled in pastry (similar to the English sausage ringlet).

Other snacks are the Indonesian-inspired bamischijf (a deejay shaped mie goreng patty which is covered with breadcrumbs and deep-fried), nasischijf [nl] (similar to the bamischijf, a deep-fried nasi goreng filled brawl covered in breadcrumbs), and kaassoufflĂ© (lit. "cheese soufflĂ©", a deep fried puff pastry envelope with a pocket-sized amount of cheese in the eye, popular with vegetarians).

Fish is likewise sold equally a fast food at the and then-called viskraam, most frequently street stalls and market stalls that specialize only in prepared fish products. Holland is famous for its raw herring, optionally served together with chopped raw onions and gherkins, which is eaten past lifting the herring loftier upwardly into the air past its tail and then biting into it upwards (except for Amsterdam, where the herring is cut into pieces and served on paper plates). Raw herring is also unremarkably sold in a soft white bun.

Other popular fish snacks are kibbeling (deep-fried, asset-sized chunks of Atlantic cod), lekkerbekje [nl] (deep-fried cod, similar to the British fish and chips, simply delicately spiced and with a more than tempura-like batter), gerookte paling (smoked European eel), and rollmops.

Gallery [edit]

See also [edit]

  • WannĂ©e Kookboek (1910– )
  • Nieuwe Haagse Kookboek (1934– )
  • List of Dutch chefs
  • Beer in the Netherlands
  • Dutch cheese markets
  • FEBO – a chain of fast nutrient outlets that uses vending machines to serve krokets, frikandellen, kaassoufflĂ©s, and other items
  • Pannekoek – a Dutch/Indonesian pancake
  • Stroopwafel – a Dutch/Indonesian waffle
  • Babi panggang – a Dutch/Indonesian/Chinese fusion dish
  • Spekkoek – a Dutch/Indonesian cake
  • Coleslaw – from the Dutch words "kool" (cabbage) and "sla" (salad)
  • Rijsttafel – Dutch for rice table. Indonesian styled dish. Side dishes served in small-scale portions, accompanied by rice prepared in several different ways
  • Hollandse Nieuwe – Fresh (raw) Herring

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d Kiple, Kenneth F. (2 August 2017). The Cambridge globe history of food. ii. Cambridge University Press. ISBN9780521402156 . Retrieved ii August 2017 – via Google Books.
  2. ^ "William Buckels".
  3. ^ "Dutch Food & Eating Out -".
  4. ^ DBNL. "Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen · dbnl". DBNL (in Dutch). Retrieved 4 September 2019.
  5. ^ DBNL. "Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen · dbnl". DBNL (in Dutch). Retrieved four September 2019.
  6. ^ "Kantoor of bedrijfsruimte huren in Rotterdam of Zwolle". Archived from the original on 23 December 2008. Retrieved 21 May 2015.
  7. ^ "Gastronomie: De Nederlandse keuken". Archived from the original on 28 September 2007. Retrieved 2 August 2017.
  8. ^ Ukers, William H (1922). "The Introduction of Coffee into Holland". All Almost Coffee. New York: Tea and Java Trade Journal. ISBN0-8103-4092-v . Retrieved 12 February 2010.
  9. ^ Dobelis, Inge N, ed. (1986). Magic and medicine of plants. Pleasantville, NY: Reader's Digest. pp. 370–371. ISBN0-89577-221-iii.
  10. ^ Fischer, Dieter. "History of Indonesian coffee". Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia. Archived from the original on 5 Baronial 2009. Retrieved 12 February 2010.
  11. ^ "Nederlands BakkerijMuseum". . Retrieved 2 Baronial 2017.
  12. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 Dec 2013. Retrieved xvi Jan 2015. {{cite spider web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy equally title (link)
  13. ^ De verstandige kok. Marleen Willebrands ISBN 9077455205
  14. ^ Karin Engelbrecht. "Kastelenkookboek Cookbook Review". Nutrient . Retrieved 21 May 2015.
  15. ^ a b c d Wintle, Michael (2006). "Diet and Modernization in the Netherlands During the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries". In Thomas M. Wilson (ed.). Food, Potable and Identity in Europe. Rodopi. pp. 63–84. ISBN9789042020863 . Retrieved 28 December 2012.
  16. ^ Thea Spierings (2008). Dutch Cuisine: Find the Secrets of the Dutch Kitchen. Miller Books. ISBN978-9087240868.
  17. ^ C. Countess van Limburg Stirum: The Art of Dutch Cooking; Get-go published in 1962 by Andre Deutsch Limited, London; p.179-p.185
  18. ^ "ten All-time Dutch Foods to attempt when in Holland". Explore Holland. 31 January 2020. Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  19. ^ "Anijsmelk". . Retrieved 2 August 2017.
  20. ^ Hester, Carla Dutch food and eating habits The Holland Band, 28 Oct 2008

External links [edit]

  • Dutch food and eating habits
  • Hutspot recipe
  • The Dutch Table – an online resources for Dutch recipes
  • Food of the Dutch Photo-documentary by photographer Wim Klerkx, 2005–2007


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