Is Mount Fuji Going to Erupt Again

Writing virtually the eruption of Mount Fuji early in the 2022 New Year seemed to be a good idea, since the number of earthquakes has been increasing in its vicinity.

On January iii, an earthquake with a seismic intensity of more than than 5 on the Japanese seismic scale (magnitude vi.1) occurred in the Ogasawara Islands, a remote island concatenation located off Tokyo.

Some experts believe that it may exist a precursor to a giant convulsion off the Pacific coast of Nippon along the Nankai Trough.

Every time I look at the magnificent view of Mt. Fuji,  I shudder to imagine what could be secretly progressing behind it. Aye, this beautiful Mt. Fuji is destined to erupt.

Specialists have raised the alarm that "Mt. Fuji has entered a standby phase for the outset time in 300 years."

The concluding eruption of Mt. Fuji was the 1 in the Hoei era in 1707. In fact, 49 days before that event, in that location was an earthquake of viii.6 magnitude forth the Nankai Trough.

Many experts believe that the "Hoei earthquake" and the "Hoei eruption" are linked. There is a seventy-80% probability of a major Nankai Trough convulsion within the next xxx years. If it overlaps with the eruption of Mt. Fuji, information technology will be the largest natural disaster since the country was founded.

In addition, experts have likewise noted that 4 days after the Mw 9.1 Not bad East Japan Convulsion of March 11, 2011, an earthquake measuring about Mw 6 occurred xiv km below Mount Fuji, causing cracks in the bedrock directly above the magma reservoir. As a result, people were jolted into thinking that Mt. Fuji has entered a state where information technology is easy to erupt. Some even said that it was a phenomenon that information technology didn't erupt at that time.

Training drill for an eventual Mount Fuji for an eruption.

Simply imagine what would happen if volcanic ash from Mount Fuji crosses Tokyo and falls on the Boso Peninsula beyond Tokyo Bay in Chiba prefecture. The weight of volcanic ash raining down on rooftops would beat homes. The air filters of thermal power plants would become clogged and stop operation.

Communication networks such as the Net would also exist damaged. Large-scale power outages would be inevitable.

Within ii hours of an eruption, a pyroclastic period consisting of a fast-moving electric current of hot lava and other volcanic matter would hit some of the residential areas at the pes of Mount Fuji. If the lava reaches the Pacific Ocean, the Shinkansen and national highway network would be disrupted. The compromised infrastructure would, in plough, cause a crisis in the food supply chain.

Right now, anybody is only focused on handling the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we must be careful not to focus solely on a singular chance. The risk of an eruption is a matter of national security, and we can only defend ourselves if we are prepared. If we are not, the impairment could exceed that of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In gild to reduce the impairment to the extent possible, measures should exist designed to ensure that infrastructure essential to the functioning of the nation of Japan does non fail.


The writer is an alpine mountaineer and environmentalist. Born in Boston, USA in 1973 to a Japanese diplomat and his non-Japanese wife, Ken Noguchi lived in several countries while growing upwardly. He is a graduate of Asia University. At the age of 25, Noguchi set a world tape equally the youngest climber at the time to scale the vii summits, the tallest peaks on each of the vii continents. He is prominently involved in a wide range of activities such equally cleaning and climbing Mt. Everest and Mt. Fuji and initiatives to raise awareness of global warming. He is the author of several books, including Keep Climbing (登り続ける、ということ in Japanese, 2021, by Gakken Plus.)

(This article first appeared in The Sankei Shimbun on January 13, 2022. Read the commodity in Japanese at this link .)

Writer: Ken Noguchi


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