Side by Side Bar Chart Funny
Table Of Contents
- Simulated Coin Flip Data
- Side By Side Bar Graphs
- Using facet_grid()
- References
Simulated Coin Flip Data
The ggplot2
package is first loaded into R.
We have two players A and B who each an unfair coin. This unfair coin has a 30% chance of getting heads and a 70% chance of getting tails. Both players flip this coin 1000 times each. This can be simulated in R using the sample()
# Flip a unfair coin 1000 times flip_results_A <- sample(c("Heads", "Tails"), size = 1000, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.3, 0.7)) flip_results_B <- sample(c("Heads", "Tails"), size = 1000, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.3, 0.7))
We can see the results of the coin flips using the table()
# Get counts of the die rolls: table(flip_results_A) ; table(flip_results_B)
## flip_results_A ## Heads Tails ## 294 706
## flip_results_B ## Heads Tails ## 284 716
The next lines of code is about putting the results together in a data table format.
# Merge the results from Player A and Player B together: # Format: Player A | Player A flip results (1000 rows) # Player B | Player B flip results (1000 rows) column1 <- c(rep("Player A", 1000), rep("Player B", 1000)) column2 <- c(flip_results_A, flip_results_B) outcome_data <- cbind(column1, column2) flip_results <- data.frame(Player = factor(column1, levels = c("Player A", "Player B")), Result = column2) # A peek of the merged data: head(flip_results); tail(flip_results)
## Player Result ## 1 Player A Heads ## 2 Player A Tails ## 3 Player A Heads ## 4 Player A Tails ## 5 Player A Tails ## 6 Player A Tails
## Player Result ## 1995 Player B Tails ## 1996 Player B Tails ## 1997 Player B Tails ## 1998 Player B Tails ## 1999 Player B Tails ## 2000 Player B Tails
These coin flip results can be converted into a two by two table as a different visual. For graphing purposes, this 2 by 2 table is converted into a data frame.
## Result ## Player Heads Tails ## Player A 294 706 ## Player B 284 716
# The two by two table into a data frame for plotting: results <- data.frame(table(flip_results))
Side By Side Bar Graphs
To obtain side by side bar graphs in ggplot2
, we need a lot of parts on top of the ggplot()
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(), alpha = 0.75) gives the side by side bar graphs
ylim(0, 800) gives limits on the y-axis values
The geom_text() line adds labels to the bar graphs. Note that position_dodge is needed as we used position dodge was used in geom_bar().
labs() gives labels depending on what is specified
The theme() function allows for additional aesthetic options such as a centered title and font sizes.
# Plotting side by side bar graphs: # # R Graphics Cookbook by Winston Chang Reference # Result of heads or tails in x = axis, Counts as y axis, diff colours for each player. # Put labels: ggplot(data = results, aes(x = Result, y = Freq, fill = Player)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(), alpha = 0.75) + ylim(0,800) + geom_text(aes(label = Freq), fontface = "bold", vjust = 1.5, position = position_dodge(.9), size = 4) + labs(x = "\n Coin Flip Outcome", y = "Frequency\n", title = "\n Coin Flip Results \n") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", colour="red", size = 12), axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", colour="red", size = 12), legend.title = element_text(face="bold", size = 10))
Using facet_grid()
In the above plot, we have four bars in one graph where the Player A bars are beside the Player B bars. Adding facet_grid(. ~Player) will turn this bar graph plot in a way where there is one bar graph plot for Player A and another bar graph plot for player B right beside it.
# Facet_grid: ggplot(data = results, aes(x = Result, y = Freq)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.7) + facet_grid(. ~Player) + ylim(0,800) + geom_text(aes(label = Freq), fontface = "bold", vjust = 1.5, colour = "white", size = 4) + labs(x = "\n Coin Flip Outcome", y = "Frequency\n", title = "\n Coin Flip Results \n") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", colour="darkgreen", size = 12), axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", colour="darkgreen", size = 12), legend.title = element_text(face="bold", size = 10), strip.background = element_rect(fill="lightblue", colour="black", size=1), strip.text = element_text(face="bold", size=rel(1.2)))
Note that the position_dodge()
options were removed as they are not needed. To highlight the Player A and Player B font text and the bars, the strip.background and strip.text options are used.
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